Phase III ESAs are designed to mitigate environmental concerns identified in the Phase I ESA and subsequent Phase II subsurface investigation. RRC develops risk-based solutions to address actual or potential contamination. Based upon the anticipated future use of a site, alternative site-specific cleanup solutions can be designed. The corrective action could involve physical removal or in situ treatment of the contamination as well as a risk-assessment to demonstrate that the contamination does not pose a threat to health and safety and can remain undisturbed.
Incorporating the needs of various interest groups may also be identified as a goal. Sites may be entered into state voluntary cleanup programs such as the Illinois EPA’s Site Remediation Program (SRP) or Iowa DNR’s Land Recycling Program (LRP). RRC has experience in working with such regulatory programs employing flexible, risk-based cleanup plans to achieve a formal “No Further Action” classification for the site.
Risk-based approaches can also be used to allocate funds and resources in prioritizing and addressing risks based on the magnitude of the hazard. Commercial property acquisitions can be structured to isolate and treat separately the higher risk, contaminated portions of a property.